Why be Ambitious and Sustainable?

Simon Pyne, founder of Greener Energy Futures stood with client team in front of a colourful wall.

AMBITIOUS is a Corporate and B2B communications agency based in Bristol who support clients in many sectors to get effective messages out to relevant markets, many of whom are keen to understand and communicate their ESG and sustainability initiatives. AMBITIOUS recognise the importance of understanding and owning their own impacts and have a dedicated in-house sustainability expert. AMBITIOUS wanted to understand and authentically own their sustainability and so approached Greener Energy Futures to create a realistic carbon footprint and a pathway towards Net Zero.

How to tackle carbon

Greener Energy Futures worked with AMBITIOUS to map the organisational carbon footprint and, through an interactive workshop with key stakeholders, explained where the company’s main emissions arose and then co-created specific measures that could be pursued to reduce carbon.

“The workshop was really useful in helping connect sustainability to the wider commercial benefits and helping us focus on meaningful actions”

— Lis Anderson, Director at AMBITIOUS

Achieving Net Zero plays to AMBITIOUS’ strengths

Like many services-focused organisations, AMBITIOUS does not create many direct emissions and is  in fact already low-impact on many areas because of previous initiatives. Fortunately, the impactful areas (customers and suppliers) speak to the organisation’s strength – communicating. Scope 3 or Value Chain emissions are the lion’s share of almost all organisations’ carbon emissions and working with suppliers, partners and customers to explore where there are shared values is one of the best ways that emissions can be reduced, so who better to do this than a communications company?!

AMBITIOUS will now develop and pursue the carbon reduction projects identified and share successes for others to learn from. From here, the company can then consider how best to become Net Zero.

“Organisations that are committed to ethical and sustainable business are putting themselves on the front foot in a competitive environment. Greener Energy Futures love working with companies like AMBITIOUS who are willing to make a positive difference”

— Simon Pyne, Director at Greener Energy Futures.

Ready to turn your Net-Zero ambition into a reality? Speak to us for expert guidance.

Take Action

Award-winning PR firm commits to a Greener Future


Helping a Bristol community trust take sustainable approach to tackle rising energy costs